Health & Wellness
Exercise and Health Promotion Resources for Older Adults
The Senior Alliance supports several health and wellness programs and initiatives for individuals age 60 and over in the communities we serve. The programs we support are evidence-based, which means they are proven through research to promote health and prevent disease among program participants. Participants in evidence-based disease prevention programs can feel confident that the programs will work.
Programs have the same content regardless of location. Through the various programs offered, participants will decrease their risk of falls, learn ways to better manage chronic conditions, and increase activity levels.
Arthritis Exercise Program
Offers low-impact exercises that can be done sitting or standing to help relieve stiffness or pain and build strength and stamina.
Arthritis Tai Chi Program
Brings gentle, graceful, flowing power of sunstyle tai chi to the community to relax participants and increase mental and physical energy.
Enhance Fitness Program
Focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance, low-impact aerobics, and strength training exercises.
Matter of Balance Program
Teaches practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling in a group setting. Eight sessions in total, and each class lasts two hours.
National Diabetes Prevention Program
Shows participants how lifestyle changes can reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes. Participants work with a lifestyle coach in a group setting over a 12-month period.
Personal Action Toward Health (PATH) Chronic Disease Self-Management Classes
Helps individuals manage chronic conditions through a wide range of activities and skill-building exercises that encourage participants to communicate with their medical provider, make better food choices, and become more active. This class is held over a six-week period, and each class lasts 2.5 hours.
Personal Action Toward Health (PATH) Diabetes Class
Teaches skills needed in the day-to-day management of diabetes and to maintain or increase life’s activities.
Get Healthy
Call us for more information on any of Health & Wellness services and speak with an Information & Assistance Specialist today.