The Senior Alliance

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It’s a Good Day at TSA: December

1 in 7 older adults in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity. On the holidays when traditional food delivery services are not available, aging adults in our community count on The Senior Alliance to provide a hot meal.

Thanks to your generosity, in 2022, over 3,300+ holiday meals were delivered to older adults who would have otherwise gone hungry.

Would you consider donating to The Senior Alliance this season? Join us to help us Give Hunger a Holiday. Make a donation.

Give Hunger a Holiday

Give Hunger a Holiday donation image

1 in 7 older adults in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity. On the holidays when traditional food delivery services are not available, aging adults in our community count on The Senior Alliance to provide a hot meal.

Thanks to your generosity, in 2022, over 3,300+ holiday meals were delivered to older adults who would have otherwise gone hungry.

Would you consider donating to The Senior Alliance this season? Join us to help us Give Hunger a Holiday. Make a donation.

What Drives You (to volunteer)?

What drives you to volunteer graphic for meals on wheels campaign

What drives you (to volunteer)?

Our nation’s aging population is growing rapidly, with more and more people living longer lives with less money available to them. And today, with our nation experiencing the highest inflation rate in 40 years, the aging population is especially vulnerable.

Many count on Meals on Wheels to provide for their most basic needs.

Meals on Wheels volunteers are essential to caring for our community’s most vulnerable. Sign up now and help us make a difference in Wayne County.

It’s a Good Day at TSA

It's a good day at TSA graphic with woman featured

We love hearing the stories of how The Senior Alliance has made a difference in the lives of our community members. When we get to share them with you, it’s A Good Day at TSA!

Here’s a story from one of our Care Management team members here at The Senior Alliance:

“After approving a participant’s daughter’s request for increased hours for her father’s care, the daughter, Carrie, expressed her sincere gratitude for all The Senior Alliance has done for her parents over the years.

With living out of town and life getting busy, she and her family do everything that they can for her parents, but she says that she would not have been able to do it without the help and support of the Care Management team at The Senior Alliance.

Giving a special shoutout to Information & Assistance Specialist, Brenda Phelps, for all of her kindness, Carrie also wanted to express her gratitude on behalf of her parents for all of the wonderful support that coordinators have given. She feels truly blessed to have found TSA.”

Learn more about Care Management and other programs.

Star Performer of the Month: Tracy Portis

Tracey Portis Star Performer

Congratulations to our Star Performer of the Month, Tracy Portis!🌟

Here is what her manager, Alicia McDole, had to say about her: “Tracy is an outstanding employee and makes a positive impact on our team. Tracy is a hard worker who always goes above and beyond in our Information & Assistance department and with the clients who call in to our agency and is always willing to help her fellow coworkers. She makes sure that she provides the appropriate resources and provides everyone with information they may need in the future. I am proud to have her on my team; I knew since day one that she would be a perfect fit.” Congratulations, Tracy. You earned it!

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